Theodor Billek

Innovation is a mindset

My technological journey extends beyond the screen – I’m an avid climber, finding solace in the heights and challenges that climbing offers. From scaling mountains to bouldering adventures, the thrill of the climb resonates with my penchant for pushing boundaries, mirroring my approach to problem-solving in the tech world.

In addition to my tech endeavors, I have an insatiable curiosity for all sciences, from the delicate intricacies of biology to the awe-inspiring principles of physics. My passion for learning extends beyond the digital domain, encompassing the vast tapestry of knowledge that the scientific world unfolds

A Cohesive Educational Odyssey: VBS Kindergarten to Bilingual AHS

Embarking on a transformative educational journey, my origins lie in VBS (Vienna Bilingual Schooling) kindergarten. The robust curriculum, emphasizing both German and English, significantly honed my language skills and cultivated a global perspective.
Progressing seamlessly into VBS primary school, the impact of inspiring educators like Thomas Yungs shaped my early academic endeavors, igniting a lasting passion for learning.
Navigating through VBS Gymnasium, under the guidance of dedicated mentors such as Thomas Lion, the commitment to academic excellence persisted. Their inspirational teaching not only propelled my intellectual growth but also nurtured independence, responsibility, and social competency.
Now, situated in this exceptional bilingual AHS (Algemeine Hoch Schule), my educational journey becomes a seamless continuum—integrating the influences of VBS kindergarten, primary school, and gymnasium, offering a holistic preparation for the challenges of our interconnected world.

VBS volksschule: herbststrasse
VBS gymnasium: draschestraße